Saturday, 08 June 2013 15:07


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This shortcode adds buttons inside your articles or cistom HTML modules. Just add this code to your article and specify its size, type and color and the buttons are ready.

Available parameters:
Color: (btn-primary, btn-info, btn-success, btn-warning, btn-danger, btn-inverse  )
Size: (btn-mini, btn-small, btn-large) 
Type: (download, notice cancel etc)
Target: (new. parent)

Example Code



IceButton IceButton IceButton IceButton IceButton IceButton IceButton

Read 4913 times Last modified on Saturday, 08 June 2013 17:14
More in this category: Box »

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Scuola di Scherma Storica dal 2001.  Si insegna l'arte marziale della spada da cui deriva la moderna Scherma Olimpionica. Gli stili insegnati sono relativi a: Spada a Due Mani, Spada da Fante, Striscia con e senza daga, Sciabola, Spada da Terreno.

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